30 January 2007


yo firstly THANKS JACQ for taking the time to design this supercool template with the picture of zhuangyi doing the lambada with geraldine (but actually i couldn't really tell it was them until i read shaun's entry =/) but ANYWAY it's damn cool and orange, love it! =D

it is damn impressive and commendable how united our OG is, really the best OG anybody could ask for ^^. i mean which other OG still goes out for dinner so often huh???! hope everybody remains super on about OG meetings and stuff... and continue dao-ing your class HAHA! just kidding la, strike a balance (but more towards OG..)

anyway i just want to end of by posting this artistic picture of uno stacko blocks falling! taken by jacq's phone. look at youkai's face woohoo

see you all in school tmr!

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