22 March 2007

Quotable quotes from TCM 2.1

[In case you didn't know how we title the "Quotable Quotes from TCM" series... the first number is the term and the second number is the week in that term... smart right? Must have been TCM's idea....]

"Hey Jacq, you cut your hair!"
- TCM, on the THIRD day of school (btw jacq cut her hair in the HOLIDAYS and we met up during the holidays -_-)

"If the PRCs all commit suicide because of bad results, the suicide rate will increase"
- TCM, on why sunny should not commit suicide

"Hi, my name is 今晚 [jin1 wan3]. Or you can call me tonight"
- TCM, on his first attempt at a lame joke (btw, jin1 wan3 means" tonight" in chinese)

Sam: "Corn is not a vegetable what..."
TCM: "It is! The leaves are green!"
- TCM's comment on sunny eating corn, which he considers to be a vegetable

Conversation extract #1
Jacq: "... join the arts stream la!"
TCM: "But I can't draw..."
W33N!E: "Dude, it's the ARTS stream... not ART"
auggie: "but bio need to draw diagrams what..."
zhuangyi: "who needs a fifty cent coin to draw the cap design ah?... shop auntie wasn't happy lor... don't want to send her son to RJ le"
Jacq: "Why didn't you use the GC to draw the lambada man ah..."
W33N!E: "No must ask for equation first before drawing..."
zhuangyi: "Eh someone must invent a GC with a printer then chongmin can draw the circle and print it out and give the shop auntie right?"
TCM: -silence-

W33N!E: "Eh how you do the spoon bending trick ah?"
TCM: "What spoon bending trick? Use plastic spoon ah?"
-TCM, on the spoon bending trick (try bending a plastic spoon and see what happens)

TCM's joke
"There were three people- a chemist, an engineer and a computer technician.
They were driving a car in the desert and then suddenly it broke down.
The chemist said, "we should add this and that and , then the engine will start!"
The engineer said, "we must do this and that and ....., then the car will work again!"
Then the computer technician said, " we should close the windows, open the windows again and restart the engine"

(btw, the joke ended already)

[This was during dinner between c0c0, TCM, sammyboi and W33N!E today... we were talking about pianos and music related stuff...]

TCM: "What is the pedal for?"
C0c0: "It's vibrato... Helps you to la1 chang2 the note..."
TCM: "But what if you don't want to la1 chang2 the note?"
W33N!E, sammyboi and coco: -silence- (-_-")
-TCM, on the subject of pianos and the foot pedals.

That's about all we could remember... please feel free to add more to this collection... We're thinking of presenting this to tcm in the form of an anthology for his birthday present. good idea? LOL


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