30 January 2007

Yo yo yo!

Can i ask something? Why is the blog in ORANGE??? Of all colours!

Anyway, not the point... Thanks JACQ for setting this up for all of us!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!!! I'm like so proud of our OG cos we're so BONDED!!!!!!

You know right, I can't believe that I pontang the very very first OG dinner that we had on the first day of orientation... I still remember that I didn't want to join yall because I felt that the OG wasn't enthu and it wasn't worth my time...

BUT before you guys kill me or anything... These past few weeks have really made a tremendous difference in my life (thus far).... And I don't think JC life would be the same if you guys are not here to share it with me....

I know everyone else is like spamming the blog with rubbish and everything but since I've been feeling so emo these few days I just thought I'd share my appreciation for all of yall... Cos some things like these are well, better expressed when not in direct communication....

Haha.... Now, as January draws to a close, I love lambada more than anything and "[it] takes precedence over class" (Tan CM, 2007)

So fellow L'ambada-ers, no matter where you are now... Always know that you're still a part of this OG and well....


Are you from L'ame-bada?


luv you all,