19 April 2007

Happy Birthday

She may be the newest addition to our lambada family... but she's definitely not the youngest!!!
Yae today after school we met up to have her birthday dinner (even though only a handful went it's the company that matters right???)

Ok.. on behalf of lambada... we gave her a pink water bottle.. which was filled with mentos, pink pencils and a pair of pink laces!! Her card was also signed by about 14 people?? And Winston wrote 17 words in her card!!! Well done!!!

Yup... went to the playground for dinner... then bubble tea... then played some minds games like "Bang bang bang", "Black magic" and "fuzzy wuzzy" level 2 and 3 :):):)

basically... tcm, yh, sunny, shaun, augustine, sammyboi and janice went for the dinner (just 1 person short of 2 ogs!!!) but we know that jacq and marc would have been there if not for the class adventure camp right??? (*nods*)

So... here's wishing janice a happy happy happy birthday... and rmbr...



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