01 February 2007

<333 l'ambada!

Haha I promised zhenyang i'd blog so HERE I'M BLOGGING. Hmm...

My gosh L'AMBADA RAWKS. I can't believe it's been 5 weeks into RJ life and we're still meeting up in the mornings, in the library, in the canteen, and in the depths of the night xD I'm so proud of us! >___< But it's quite scary too, how we're so ON xD

We must work hard and play hard! In that order, preferably xP Ohhh you know right, the other day I was in the canteen talking to my friend who was sitting with her ogmates, and then I was saying to her like, oh I'm going to the library to study with my ogmates. AND then all her ogmates went like, WAAAAAHHHHTTTT??!!! xD Haha so farnie. I'm glad we have so many hardworking, studyish people =) It's a goooood influence on me heeehee. I'll try not to laugh too much in the library to avoid disturbing people-who-get-disturbed-easily (ie zhenyang).

Rawr I like boasting to my class about this WUNNERFULL og of mine =x They're so impressed at how we only go out like, every night for dinner hahaha! And people who end lessons at like 11 are willing to wait all the way till 7-8pm to spend time with each other at the dinner table. Doesn't that thought give you a nice fuzzy feeling =) Oh well but seriously man, we must cut down on our nightly dinner outings. My eyebags are so big I think I can put my eyeballs into them!! Haha and shaun is gonna clamp down on us if we keep this up xD

Okay now take out your tissue 'cos I'm going to get emo >___<

I LOVE L'AMBADAAAAA! You guys rawk xD At first I thought we were like, quite dead and blah. But I've realised that just because everyone isn't on sugarhigh 24/7 doesn't mean we don't know how to have fun xD And fun isn't just about playing games and stuff. The most fun I've had from being in L'AMBADA is getting to know all you guys :) Because you guys are SOOO interesting and always sporting! We've done so many embarassing and retarded things, and proud of it still xD Muaaacks you guys are the best. I look forward to when we all go cook healthy food together xDDDD Sorry zhenyang, looks like we'd have to kill the greens.


Are you from L'amebada?


I'm SURE lah.

xD Nights to you all! Sorry no pics lah, but heck. Words are worth more! :)

note: milestone in jacq's history-- today on 1 feb 07, jacq got home later than shaun liu, probably for the first time in history ever. RAWR.


sekrit said...

i know that the GUYS are REALLY COOL. but how bout the girls

jacq! said...

the girls are HOT, duh xP