14 February 2007

my highness speaks!

dear subjects (who have been subjected to my highness' highness),


I believe some thanks are in order :) Firstly, thanks to our HOT L'AMBADA GUYS who got all the girls flowers/chocolates and HANDMADE CARDS! <333 You guys have proven yourselves true gentlemen xP One notch up the gentlemanliness-index for all of you! *clapclapclap*

Okay and now for an update of vday scandals! xP

Scandal #1:
Yuheng and the SECRET ADMIRER
Walk to the canteen, stop at the red heart. Look down and you will find...
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Yuheng you're mine,
I'd die for you."
Another one of yuheng's many(manymany) fangirls? Aha, mysterymystery!

Scandal #2:
Marcsay and the MYSERIOUS MGS GIRL
On this day, in the not-so-wee hours of the morning, a bright red package with a <3 note attached found its way to our fellow lambadean! :o It appears that this SECRET ADMIRER even knows our dear marcsay's taste in music! o.O Interesting... Who could it be!

Scandal #3:
Shaun and XXX (name concealed for safety reasons)
Our dear ogl was unable to join us today for our lonely-hearts dinner as he had *something else on* Now now, no need to be so hushhush about it shaun xP We know what- or who, rather- is occupying you! Unfortunately we are obliged to keep *her* identity confidential as it would put her in danger of being killed and blood-drinked xP It is a very REAL threat and we recognise the need for some shhhshhh here, so for more information please approach our gossip-expert lydia.

haha next year we shall dig up all our feb14th07 posts and laugh at them xD till then, happy vday and may you have a lovely post-vday too! :)

ahhh. don't you feel the luuuurvvee.

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