17 February 2007


Happy cny everyone! Haha goshhh og stayover was so wonderful! All you guys who couldn't join us, you ought to be feeling terrible right now xP hahaha. oh yes and marcsay is a FANTASTIC HOST. totally put me to shame lah -.- tsk marcsay why you go and spoil the market for indonesian maids!

Hahaness anyway i think the most nicest part of last night was the lao-ing of the yusheng! As usual it was done in a totally lamEbada style xD it just felt really good for everyone to be standing around the table lao-ing yusheng and yelling random stuff together :) Another memory to put inside your little treasure chest!

But really the highlight of my evening was sleeping in marcsay's bed! <333>___O Anyways it was nice and comfy. I was meaning to curl up on the couch but i felt alsleep like 10 secs after snuggling under the covers xD whoops! anyway i promise the next time we sleepover at marcsay's place me and sam will sleep elsewhere so we can let the rightful people sleep on the bed xD

Haha anyway here's a pic of the people who tried to watch love actually, actually xP But ended up like that lah. Except for Zhuangyi, winner xD We were tempted to put toothpaste on their faces but we were feeling too nice.

Rawr so that's about it for my report of og stayover! :) Hope we get to do another one soon. How about o2? xD Let's stay over in Changi Airport! They have firstclass facilities okay xD

Finally, in the words of my history lecturer, here's wishing all of you guys an "abundance of love" and "prosperity in your studies"! Rawk on, l'amebada xD

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