26 February 2007

term 1 draws to an end.

hi people!

it's hard to believe that it's only been two months since we first met... it feels like so much longer! and i just want to say that i am really lucky and blessed to have met you all... i don't know what i did to get into L'ambada but i'm sure it's probably something very good i did in my previous life. you all have seriously been a rocking and fun-loving bunch of great people! bestest best OG anybody could ever hope for! i am really proud of our OG and how we would do stuff like dao our classes and sit at benches waiting till 9pm for people to finish training so we can enjoy dinner together. i mean can you seriously be any more united than that? haha ohh man my class kind of dislikes me now because i kept going for OG stuff instead but i have no regrets!

these two months have been a blur of fun activities! and i feel really sad that term 1 is going to end and everything's going to be more serious from term 2 onwards! anyway this term is going to end with.....ORIENTATION 2! and i hope it would be even funner than the first orientation since we know one another better now! starting to see you all less often now (for dinner and stuff) and it's a bit sad, but weihan does have a point, we do have to concentrate on our studies also!

for those who didn't do well in their lecture tests, fret not! these tests are set by sadistic teachers who derive pleasure from seeing fail grades on students papers.

anyway! i can repeat myself over and over again but i just can't seem to stress it enough: I LOVE LAMBADA! here's to a great rocking orientation 2!

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