02 February 2007

random quotes

"I was wondering who that guy in the photo with the muscles was, and on closer inspection I realised it was me." -youkai, after staring at a random l'ambada pic

"If you say no (to my request for an m&m) then you're mean. and if you're mean then i don't have to be polite with you!" -zhenyang, after popping sam's m&m before she could say anything.

"I've finished math tutorial one!" -sam, much to the horror of her fellow muggers who hadn't started on it yet

"Okay, all the guys wear white tshirt and boxers for o'nite tomorrow!" -chongmin. he actually meant boardshorts (or so we'd like to believe).

"the raffle programme produces the loser, thinker and pioneer. first the loser who thinks of this stupid idea, and then pioneers it." -weihan, at burger king

got anymore, anyone? xD

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